Israel Stories:
The Fallen Canadians
of October 7th

Tiferet Lapidot

23, Harish

Tiferet Lapidot - 50% Tall

Tiferet was a curious and adventurous young woman on a journey of self-discovery and exploration. Her radiant smile was "a light that was hard to ignore." Everyone wanted to learn from her and to be in her presence, captivated by her laughter and bright eyes.

Tiferet was born in Kfar Pines and studied there at the Ulpana (religious girls' high school). Her eyes were attentive and sensitive, and her heart was open and loving to everyone she encountered. As part of her army service, she volunteered with at-risk youth, and later volunteered to work with children in villages across Africa. She spent the last 2 years of her life travelling within Israel and around the world, working on farms, while researching, exploring and learning. 

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On Rosh Hashanah , Tiferet came back to Israel, taking a break from her world travels to celebrate the Jewish holidays with her family. On the night of Simchat Torah, two days before her 23rd birthday, she attended the Nova festival in Re'imi.

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When terrorists raided the party, Tiferet tried to hide in a nearby bush, where she  called her mother, and said goodbye with the words: " Mom , I love you." For ten days , Tiferet’s fate was unknown, until it had been confirmed that Tiferet had been murdered on October 7th.

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Tiferet forged her path by listening to her heart and living with joy and love. Her mother said "We continue to live happily, to celebrate life. I feel that this is what Tiferet is saying to me:‘Mommy, I'm fine, I'm fine, keep going.’"

May her memory be blessed.